1.2. Install - meldsolutions/Meld-Forums GitHub Wiki
To install Meld Forums into Mura CMS:
(a). download the latest version from [https://github.com/meldsolutions/Meld-Forums], or ...
(b). copy this link: https://github.com/meldsolutions/Meld-Forums/archive/master.zip
in your Mura CMS Site Administrator, click on Settings > Plugins [top mini-menu] or Modules > Plugins > Add Plugin [main menu]
if you chose (a), above, click on the "Browse" button and select the downloaded file. If (b) click the "via URL" button and paste in the link to the zip file
Accept the GPL license
Choose the database type. Meld Forums currently supports MySQL and MSSQL
Enter the datasource (DSN)
Optionally enter the DSN username / password (if required in your server setup)
Check off the sites you want Meld Forums to be available to (note that if you add new sites later on, you will have to go back and add these sites as well)
You can now find the Meld Forums plugin administrator under Modules > Plugins > Meld Forums