Sprint II Standup Meeting III - melcholign/harvest-cart GitHub Wiki

Sprint II Standup Meeting III

Date/Location: 30/11/2024, Discord

Meeting Duration: 12:14 am - 12:50 am

Attendees: Faiyad Hossain (FD), Abrar Ur Alam (AB), Fazle Rabby Foysal (FZ)

Meeting Facilitator: AB

Discussion Topics

Work Done Since Last Meeting

Team Member Tasks
FD Created models to handle payment, online transactions, and payment cards.
Created and refined payment controller and integrated it with checkout.
AB Added image upload functionality for stores, products and farmers.
Transferred some input validations from controller to model layer (for simplifying and generalizing code).
FZ Established API endpoint for search.
Added rating functionality in product controller.

Planned Work Until Next Meeting

Team Member Tasks
FD Implement order model, and controller.
Implement order cancellation mechanism.
Start working on UI.
AB Format code according to coding standards.
Add JSDocs documentation to all methods.
Create restock model, controller, and router.
FZ Fully Implement Search and rate products and design UI.

Issues / Impediments to Work

Team Member Issues
FD Struggled with implementing digital payment.
AB struggled configuring multer so it stores images in unique directories
could not validate multer file destination before saving images, due to req.body being unparsed
FZ Faced query optimization issues for search; resolved with database indexing.
Encountered concurrency problems in ratings; fixed with locking mechanisms.

Next Standup Meeting

Name: Sprint II Standup Meeting IV

Date/Time: 02/12/2024 at 12:00 am

Location: Discord