Sprint I Standup Meeting II - melcholign/harvest-cart GitHub Wiki

Sprint I Standup Meeting II

Date/Location: 19/11/2024, Discord

Meeting Duration: 11:30 pm - 11:50 pm

Attendees: Faiyad Hossain (FD), Abrar Ur Alam (AB), Fazle Rabby Foysal (FZ)

Meeting Facilitator: FD

Discussion Topics

Work Done Since Last Meeting

Team Member Tasks
FD Create backend validation methods for data field inputs. Implement email account verification, implement passport session authentication. Create customer controller and router.
AB Create store and product model and schema, farmer controller, farmer router, and implement passport session authentication.

Planned Work Until Next Meeting

Team Member Tasks
Enable customers to add products to basket.
AB Provide methods for farmers to set up and manage their online stores.
Provide methods for farmers to request product shipment
FZ Implement the product search functionality.

Issues / Impediments to Work

Team Member Issues
FD Figuring the best way to implement MVC.
AB Figuring what methods to put in model layer and controller layer to ensure complete app functionality. Multer implementation to enable image uploads.
FZ Unable to allocate time towards working on the project.

Next Standup Meeting

Name: Sprint II Standup Meeting I

Date/Time: 25/11/2024 at 11:30 pm

Location: Discord