WebRTC Publishing - mekya/antmedia-doc GitHub Wiki

WebRTC Publishing is available both Community Edition(CE) and Enterprise Edition(EE). In order to publish with WebRTC in remote server, you need to install SSL to your server.

Quick Link: Learn How to Install SSL to your Ant Media Server

  1. Visit https://your_domain_name:5443/WebRTCAppEE in Enterprise Edition or https://your_domain_name:5443/WebRTCApp in Community Edition. If you're running Ant Media Server in your local computer, you can also visit http://localhost:5080/WebRTCAppEE in EE or http://localhost:5080/WebRTCApp in CE.

Open WebRTCAppEE

  1. Write stream id or leave it as default and Press Start Publishing button. After you press the button, blinking text("Publishing") should appear

    Press Start Publishing button

Congrats. It's done. Right now, you're publishing to Ant Media Server with your Web Browser.

Quick Link: Learn How to Play with WebRTC