WebRTC Conference Call - mekya/antmedia-doc GitHub Wiki

In this documentation, we're going to explain simply how to implement WebRTC Video Conference call with JavaScript SDK. There is already a working demo for this. You can check it out in advance.


File is located /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp/conference.html

WebRTC Video Conference is available in Enterprise Edition.

Let’s proceed step by step about how to implement Conference Call. Before starting implementation, make sure that you've installed SSL to your Ant Media Server Enterprise Edition. If you haven’t got any domain for your Ant Media Server, you can get a free domain in Freenom.

Quick Link: Learn How to Install SSL to your Ant Media Server

1. Prepare the Web Page

Please go to LiveApp application folder which is under /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp and create a file with conference_call.html.

Conference Room Example
  • Include JavaScript files to your page in the header as follows
<script src="https://webrtc.github.io/adapter/adapter-latest.js"></script>
<script src="js/webrtc_adaptor.js"></script>
  • Include Codes to your page in the body as follows.
<div class="jumbotron">
<div id="players">
<div class="col-sm-3">
<video id="localVideo" autoplay muted></video>

<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3">
<input type="text" class="form-control" value="room1" id="roomName" placeholder="Type room name">
<button onclick="joinRoom()" class="btn btn-info" disabled id="join_publish_button">Join Room</button>
<button onclick="leaveRoom()" class="btn btn-info" disabled id="stop_publish_button">Leave Room</button>

<span class="label label-success" id="broadcastingInfo"
style="font-size: 14px; display: none" style="display: none">Publishing</span>
  • Include the JavaScript codes to your page. Please take a look at the full JavaScript code at conference.html. We explain the callbacks below in order to provide better understanding.

var webRTCAdaptor = 
      new WebRTCAdaptor(
	  websocket_url : websocketURL,
    	  mediaConstraints : mediaConstraints,
	  peerconnection_config : pc_config,
	  sdp_constraints : sdpConstraints,
	  localVideoId : "localVideo",
	  debug : true,
	  callback : function(info, obj) {
	    if (info == "initialized") {
		//called by JavaScript SDK when WebSocket is connected. 				
	    } else if (info == "joinedTheRoom") {
		//called when this client is joined the room
	        //obj contains streamId field which is the stream id 
                //that this client can use to publish to the room.
                //obj also contains streams array which is the list of streams in the room
                //so that you can play these streams in here
 	    } else if (info == "streamJoined") {
                //called when a new stream is joined to the room
                //obj.streamId field contains the stream id				
                //you can request to play the stream. 
	    } else if (info == "newStreamAvailable") {
               //called after stream is requested to play and it's available to play right now
	    } else if (info == "streamLeaved") {
	       //called when a stream is leaved from the room					
            else if (info == "publish_started") {
	       //called when stream publishing is started for this client					
            else if (info == "publish_finished") {
		//called when stream publishing has finished for this client				
            else if (info == "leavedFromRoom") {
               //called when this client is leaved from the room  
            else if (info == "closed") {
		//called when websocket connection is closed				
            else if (info == "play_finished") {
	        //called when a stream has finished playing			
            else if (info == "streamInformation") {
		//called when a stream information is received from the server				
	  callbackError : function(error, message) {
			//some of the possible errors, NotFoundError, SecurityError,PermissionDeniedError

2. Join a Room

When WebRTCAdaptor is initialized successfully, it creates a websocket connection. After a successful connection, the client gets the initialized notification from the server. After receiving initialized notification, you can call joinRoom method.

webRTCAdaptor.joinRoom(roomId , streamId);

joinRoom method gets two parameters

  • roomId:(Mandatory) The room id. If this room is not available, it will be created.
  • streamId:(Optional) The stream id of the stream that this client would want to publish

3. Publish Stream to a Room

Just call publish method as follows.

webRTCAdaptor.publish(streamId, token);

publish method gets two parameters: *streamId:(Mandatory) Stream id of the stream.

  • token: It's required only when one-time token is enabled.

4. Play Stream in a Room

Call the play method. In conference call the correct place to call method is when joinedTheRoom and streamJoined notifications are received.

webRTCAdaptor.play(streamId, token);

play method gets two parameters: *streamId:(Mandatory) Stream id of the stream.

  • token: It's required only when one-time token is enabled.

5. Server Notifications

Here are the conference related notifications that callback is invoked for. Please check the conference.html for proper usage.

  • joinedTheRoom: Called when WebSocket is connected. It has parameter that contains stream id for publishing and streams array in order to play the stream.
  • streamJoined: Called when a new stream is joined to the room. It has parameter about the stream id for playing.
  • newStreamAvailable: Called when a previously joined stream is ready to play.
  • streamLeaved: Called when a stream is leaved from the room.
  • leavedFromRoom: Called when this client is leaved from the room.
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