User defined Scripts - mekya/antmedia-doc GitHub Wiki

This feature running automatically defined script after MP4 Muxing process is finished in Ant Media Server. Let’s have a look at that step by step.

  1. Define run script location in App Settings
  2. Script running instructions

1- Define run script location in App Settings

Add script setting in [AMS-DIR] / webapps / applications(LiveApp or etc.) / WEB-INF /



Example Usage:


Save the file and restart the server

sudo service antmedia restart

The script should be able to executable permission

Mark the file as executable with below code:

chmod +x

Setting References: settings.muxerFinishScript Setting

2- Script usage instructions

After the muxing process is finished, the AMS runs the following code snippets.

scriptFilePath fullPathOfMP4File


~/ /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp/streams/test_stream.mp4

When script finished successfully, AMS writes in INFO log as a below:

running muxer finish script: ~/ /usr/local/antmedia/webapps/LiveApp/streams/test_stream.mp4