Server Configuration Documentation - mekya/antmedia-doc GitHub Wiki

The Ant Media Server configurations can be made directly from the files as well as through the management console. The configurations file is more detailed.

Settings File Under Server Configuration Folder

These settings are set stored in the file <AMS_DIR>/conf/

The table below summarises the available Ant Media Server settings.

  • This is a Socket Policy host. Default value is
  • policy.port: This is a policy port. If you use this, the port should open. Default value is 843
  • This is an Ant Media Server name. No need to fill.
  • server.licence_key: This is an Ant Media Server License key. If you are using Enterprise Edition, it needs to be filled.
  • server.market_build: Marketplaces editions also need to be true. Default value is false
  • server.heartbeatEnabled: This is heartbeat of Ant Media Server. Default value is true
  • server.kafka_brokers: This is Kafka Broker's value in Ant Media Server. Kafka default port is 9092. No need to fill.
  • server.cpu_limit: Ant Media Server CPU Limit is based on percentage. Default value is 85
  • server.min_free_ram: Ant Media Server free memory always must be higher than the below size. It's in MB type. Default value is 10
  • logLevel: Ant Media Server values are TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. Default value is INFO
  • useGlobalIp: The Global IP address to use when WebSocket cluster. Default value is false

#HTTP Specifications

  • Ant Media Server HTTP host value. No need to change. Default value is
  • http.port: Ant Media Server HTTP port value. Default value is 5080
  • https.port: Ant Media Server HTTPS port value. Default value is 5443
  • http.URIEncoding: HTTP URI Encode value. Default value is UTF-8
  • http.max_keep_alive_requests: HTTP request max keep alive value. Default value is -1
  • http.max_threads: HTTP Max Threads value. Default value is 20
  • http.acceptor_thread_count: HTTP Acceptor Thread Count value. Default value is 10
  • http.processor_cache: HTTP Processor Cache value. Default value is 20

#RTMP Specifications

  • Ant Media Server RTMP host value. No need to change. Default value is
  • rtmp.port: Ant Media Server RTMP Port value. Default value is 1935
  • rtmp.io_threads: RTMP IO Threads value. Default value is 16
  • rtmp.send_buffer_size: RTMP Send Buffer Size value. Default value is 65536
  • rtmp.receive_buffer_size: RTMP Receive Buffer Size value. Default value is 65536
  • rtmp.ping_interval: RTMP Ping Interval value. Default value is 1000
  • rtmp.max_inactivity: RTMP Max Inactivity value. Default value is 60000
  • rtmp.max_handshake_time: RTMP Max Handshake Time value. Default value is 5000
  • rtmp.tcp_nodelay: RTMP TCP No Delay value. Default value is true
  • rtmp.tcp_keepalive: RTMP TCP Keep-Alive value. Default value is false
  • rtmp.default_server_bandwidth: RTMP Default Server Bandwidth value. Default value is 10000000
  • rtmp.default_client_bandwidth: RTMP Default Client Bandwidth value. Default value is 10000000
  • rtmp.client_bandwidth_limit_type: RTMP Client Bandwidth Limit Type value. Default value is 2
  • rtmp.bandwidth_detection: RTMP Bandwidth Detection value. Default value is false
  • rtmp.encoder_base_tolerance: RTMP Encoder Base Tolerance value. Default value is 5000
  • rtmp.encoder_drop_live_future: RTMP Encoder Drop Live Future value. Default value is false
  • rtmp.traffic_class: RTMP Traffic Class value. Default value is -1
  • rtmp.backlog: RTMP Backlog value. Default value is 32
  • rtmp.thoughput_calc_interval: RTMP Thoughput Calculate Interval value. Default value is 15
  • rtmp.default_acceptor: RTMP Default Acceptor value. Default value is true
  • rtmp.initial_pool_size: RTMP Initial Pool Size value. Default value is 0
  • rtmp.max_pool_size: RTMP Max Pool Size value. Default value is 2
  • rtmp.max_processor_pool_size: RTMP Max Processor Pool Size value. Default value is 16
  • rtmp.executor_keepalive_time: RTMP Executer Keep-Alive Time value. Default value is 60000
  • mina.logfilter.enable: Mina Log Filter Enable value. Default value is false
  • rtmp.scheduler.pool_size: RTMP Scheduler Pool Size value. Default value is 16
  • rtmp.deadlockguard.sheduler.pool_size: RTMP Deadlockguard Scheduler Pool Size value. Default value is 16
  • rtmp.executor.core_pool_size: RTMP Executer Core Pool Size value. RTMP Default value is 4
  • rtmp.executor.max_pool_size: RTMP Executer Max Pool Size value. Default value is 32
  • rtmp.executor.queue_capacity: RTMP Executer Queue Capacity value. Default value is 64
  • rtmp.executor.queue_size_to_drop_audio_packets: RTMP Executer Queue Size to Drop Audio Packets value. Default value is 60
  • rtmp.max_handling_time: RTMP Max Handling Time value. Default value is 2000
  • RTMP Channel Initial Capacity value. Default value is 3
  • RTMP Channel Concurrency Level value. Default value is 1
  • RTMP Stream Initial Capacity value. Default value is 1
  • RTMP Stream Concurrency Level value. Default value is 1
  • rtmp.pending.calls.initial.capacity: RTMP Pending Calls Initial Capacity value. Default value is 3
  • rtmp.pending.calls.concurrency.level: RTMP Pending Calls Concurrency Capacity Level value. Default value is 1
  • rtmp.reserved.streams.initial.capacity: RTMP Reserved Streams Initial Capacity value. Default value is 1
  • rtmp.reserved.streams.concurrency.level: RTMP Reserved Streams Concurrency Level value. Default value is 1
  • rtmp.max_packet_size: RTMP Max Packet Size value. Default value is 3145728

#RTMPS Specifications

  • Ant Media Server RTMPS Host value. If you don't use this feature, no need to change. Default value is
  • rtmps.port: Ant Media Server RTMP Port value. Default value is 8443
  • rtmps.ping_interval: RTMPS Ping Interval value. Default value is 5000
  • rtmps.max_inactivity: RTMPS Max Inactivity value. Default value is 60000
  • rtmps.max_keep_alive_requests: RTMPS Max Keep Alive Requests value. Default value is -1
  • rtmps.max_threads: RTMPS Max Threads value. Default value is 20
  • rtmps.acceptor_thread_count: RTMPS Acceptor Thread Count value. Default value is 2
  • rtmps.processor_cache: RTMPS Processor Cache value. Default value is 20

#RTMPS Key and Trust store parameters

  • rtmps.keystorepass: RTMPS Keystore Pass value. Default value is password
  • rtmps.keystorefile: RTMPS Keystore File location value. Default value is conf/keystore.jks
  • rtmps.truststorepass: RTMPS Truststore Pass value. Default value is password
  • rtmps.truststorefile: RTMPS Truststore File location value. Default value is conf/truststore.jks

#RTMPT Specifications

  • Ant Media Server RTMP Host value. If you don't use this feature, no need to change. Default value is
  • rtmpt.port: Ant Media Server RTMPT Port value. Default value is 8088
  • rtmpt.ping_interval: RTMPT Ping interval value. Default value is 5000
  • rtmpt.max_inactivity: RTMPT Max Inactivity value. Default value is 60000
  • rtmpt.max_handshake_time: RTMPT Max Handshake Time value. Default value is 5000
  • rtmpt.max_keep_alive_requests: RTMPT Max Keep Alive Requests value. Default value is -1
  • rtmpt.max_threads: RTMPT Max Threads value. Default value is 20
  • rtmpt.acceptor_thread_count: RTMPT Acceptor Thread Count value. Default value is 2
  • rtmpt.processor_cache: RTMPT Processor Cache value. Default value is 20
  • rtmpt.encoder_base_tolerance: RTMPT Encoder Base Tolerance value. Default value is 5000
  • rtmpt.encoder_drop_live_future: RTMPT Encoder Drop Live Future value. Default value is true
  • rtmpt.target_response_size: RTMPT Target Response Size value. Better setting for streaming media default value is 32768. Best setting for small messages or shared objects default value is 8192
  • rtmpt.max_in_msg_process: RTMPT Max Incoming Messages to Process at a time. The most that FP appears to send is 166.Default value is 166
  • rtmpt.max_queue_offer_time: RTMPT Max Queue Offer Time in Millis that we will wait when offering data to the in or out queue. Default value is 125
  • rtmpt.max_queue_offer_attempts: RTMPT Max Queue Offer Attempts value. Default value is 4

#Debug Proxy Specifications (needs to be activated in red5-core.xml)

  • proxy.source_host: Ant Media Server Proxy Source Host value. Default value is
  • proxy.source_port: Ant Media Server Proxy Source Port value. Default value is 1936
  • proxy.destination_host: Proxy Destination Host value. Default value is
  • proxy.destination_port: Proxy Destination Port value. Default value is 1935

#JMX Specifications

  • Ant Media Server JMX RMI Host value. Default value is localhost
  • jmx.rmi.port: Ant Media Server JMX RMI Port value. Default value is 9999
  • JMX RMI Sport value. Default value is 9998
  • jmx.rmi.port.remoteobjects: JMX RMI Port Remote Objects value. No need to fill.
  • jmx.keystorepass: JMX Keystore Pass value. Default value is password
  • jmx.mina.monitor.enable: JMX Mina Monitor Enable value. Default value is false
  • jmx.mina.poll.interval: JMX Mina Poll Interval value. Default value is 1000
  • jmx.registry.create: Whether to always create the registry in-process, not attempting to locate an existing registry at the specified port. Set to true in order to avoid the overhead of locating an existing registry when you always intend to create a new registry in any case. Default value is true
  • jmx.reuse.existing.server: Whether or not the MBeanServerFactoryBean should attempt to locate a running MBeanServer before creating one. Default value is true
  • jmx.register.factory: Whether to register the MBeanServer with the MBeanServerFactory, making it available through MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer().Default value is true
  • jmx.daemon: Whether any threads started for the JMXConnectorServer. Should be started as daemon threads. Default value is true
  • jmx.threaded: Whether the JMXConnectorServer should be started in a separate thread. Default value is true

#Server Specifications

  • Max events to send in a single update. Default value is 64
  • so.scheduler.pool_size: Scheduler Pool size value. Default value is 4
  • keyframe.cache.entry.max: Keyframe Cache Entry Max value. Default value is 500
  • war.deploy.server.check.interval: War Deploy Server Check Interval value. Default value is 600000
  • fileconsumer.delayed.write: File Consumer Delayed Write value. Default value is true
  • fileconsumer.queue.size: File Consumer Queue Size value. Default value is 120
  • subscriberstream.buffer.check.interval: Stream Subscriber Buffer Check Interval value. Default value is 5000
  • subscriberstream.underrun.trigger: Stream Subscriber Underrun Trigger value. Default value is 100
  • Broadcast Stream Auto Record value. Default value is false

#MP4 and HLS Auto Record Specifications

  • Broadcast Stream Auto Record MP4 value. Default value is true
  • Broadcast Stream Auto Record HLS value. Default value is true

#Cluster DB Specifications

  • If you don't use cluster, no need to change. Default value is localhost
  • clusterdb.user: If you don't use cluster, no need to change. No need to fill
  • clusterdb.password: If you don't use cluster, no need to change. No need to fill
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