Quick Start - mekya/antmedia-doc GitHub Wiki

Quick start guide lets you set up Ant Media Server(AMS) Enterprise and try Ultra-Low Latency Streaming in a few mins. The installation procedure for Ant Media Server Community and Enterprise Editions are same so that you can install community edition by following this instructions as well.

Get Started

There are 2 options to start an Ant Media Server (AMS).

  1. Install to your local ubuntu box(localhost)
  2. Install to a remote server with Public IP Address

Quick launch in AWS or Azure

1. Download Ant Media Server

You can download Ant Media Server Enterprise at antmedia.io. If you want to try Community Edition, you can download at github.com After the download, you will have a compressed file that contains the Ant Media Server.

2. Install your Ant Media Server

Open a terminal and go to the directory where you download the Ant Media Server.

cd /path/to/where/ant-media-server/is/downloaded

Get the install_ant-media-server.sh script.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ant-media/Scripts/master/install_ant-media-server.sh 
chmod 755 install_ant-media-server.sh

Install Ant Media Server(AMS) as follows. Please don't forget to replace [ANT_MEDIA_SERVER_INSTALLATION_FILE] below with the downloaded file at step 1.

sudo ./install_ant-media-server.sh [ANT_MEDIA_SERVER_DOWNLOADED_FILE] 

3. Install SSL for your Ant Media Server

If you're installing on your localhost, you can skip this step.

Please make sure that your server instance has Public IP address and a domain is assigned to its Public IP address. Then go to the folder where Ant Media Server is installed. Default directory is /usr/local/antmedia

cd /usr/local/antmedia

Run ./enable_ssl.sh script in AMS installation directory. Please don't forget to replace {DOMAIN_NAME} with your domain name.

sudo ./enable_ssl.sh -d {DOMAIN_NAME}

For detailed information about SSL, follow SSL Setup.

3. Ultra-Low Latency Publishing/Playing

Ant Media Server Enterprise provides 0.5 seconds end-to-end latency. So let's try ultra-low latency


  • Visit the page https://your-domain-address.com:5443/WebRTCAppEE/.

If you're running in localhost, please visit http://localhost:5080/WebRTCAppEE/

  • Let browser access the camera and mic. Then click Start Publishing WebRTC Publishing

  • After you press the button, "Publishing" blinking text should appear

    Press Start Publishing button


  • Visit the page https://your-domain-address.com:5443/WebRTCAppEE/player.html.

If you're running in localhost, please visit http://localhost:5080/WebRTCAppEE/player.html

  • Write the stream id in text box( stream1 by default) Go to the player.html
  • Press Start Play button. After you press the button, WebRTC stream starts playing Press Start Playing Button

Note: Don't forget that the stream id on the publish and play pages should be the same.

This quick start lets your try Ultra-Low Latency streaming in Ant Media Server. If you have any problem, don't be hesitate to contact us.