Instalation Client - meks77/ClientServerBackup GitHub Wiki

First of all navigate with your favorite Internet Browser to the server Web-Application. If it is started it is available at http://{hostname|hostip}:8080.

In the menu you'll find a download link for the client. It is a zip file. Extract it to the place where you prefer.

Autostart after login

Now it's time to set it up for automatically startup after login.



  • Open the menu ose "Session and Startup"

In the opened dialog click on "Add". In the new diealog select the executable of the backup client(bin/client), set a name and a description. Xubuntu Startup

The backdraw of used the startup of the desktop is, that each time you login, a new backup process is started.




As Service


Tested with Xubuntu 18.04


  • you want to execute backup with the user backup and
  • client version is 0.0.1 create the file backupClient.service in /etc/systemd/system
Description=backup client of ClientServerBackup




Then invoke

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable backupclient.service
sudo service backupclient start
sudo systemctl status backupclient

Autostart on startup of the machine

Windows 10

The description was created using a german windows. Therefor I don't know if the translation matches for 100%.

  • Click on the windows menu icon or type the windows key
  • if german
    • enter "Aufgaben planen"
  • if english
    • I expect you'll find it with Tasks
  • In the opened window click on "Create new simple task"
  • Again a new dialog appears
  • Enter backupClient as name
  • click next
  • choose on startup
  • click next
  • choose start program
  • click next
  • select the bat file of the downloaded client
  • click next
  • click finish
  • open the properties of the new created task
  • select the user who should run the backup. the user needs access to the backuped directories
  • select "run indepedend of login"
  • select "don't remember password"
  • switch to the tab actions
  • select the action "run program" and click on edit
  • at run in put the directory where you want to have the log file of the client

At the next startup the backup should be started automatically