Home - meks77/ClientServerBackup GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the ClientServerBackup wiki!

The project is currently at the beginning of development.

Since a long time I try to backup clients to a Synology NAS.

I was very unlucky with it because it was hard for me to get the backup state of the clients.

Furthermore with the existing backup client software on slow hardware, the computers were blocked by the backup.

Then I heared about "Active Backup" from Synology. I wanted to use it immediatly on a DS213 and a DS215j. But as usual, when Synology provides new software solutions, they support just some of the NAS models. And mine are not supported.

Current state(2019.02.08)

  • The backup client is already working.
  • The backup backend is allready working
  • The backend works already on my Synology ds-213.
  • The admin web ui is in development but already in a good state for the first version

Screenshot of a the admin web-ui: Admin Web-UI Screenshot

What's currently missing(not everything will be available in the first release):

  • authentication of the clients
  • automatic recovery
  • automated system tests
  • Synology Package
  • Description how to run the server on a Synology NAS
  • Description how to run the server on Linux
  • Description how to install/run the client on Windows
  • Description how to install/run the client on Linux