Development Guide - megagonorg/pace GitHub Wiki
- clang++ with C++1x
- waf v1.7.11
- Chicken Scheme v4.8.0.4
- SDL v2.0.0
- SDL_image v2.0.0
- pthreads
- check the compilation variables on line 11 of the file wscript
- ./waf distclean configure build
- use Valgrind to fix memory leaks and speed up the engine
- check Doxygen and headers (license...) in the code
- write a pretty changelog with git log --decorate=short or --oneline
- annotate and sign git tags
- move all TODOs to the issue tracker
- clean whitespace
- check the version in wscript and Doxyfile
grep "PROJECT_NUMBER\s*=" docs/Doxyfile
grep "VERSION =" wscript