Configuration meda.yml - medullan/navocat-collector GitHub Wiki


The meda.yml file describes application configuration settings for the collector. The following table details all of the acceptable configuration options. The top level keys of the YAML file should correspond to Rack environments. See the example below for details.

Configuration Description Example
development Indicates for which environment this configuration is intended. development, test, production, staging
disk_pool The number of threads that will write to disk 10, 64, 128, any number
google_analytics_pool The number of threads that will hit the google analytics API 10, 64, 128, any number
data_path The location/folder to place JSON files representing raw analytic data meda_data
log_level The level of logs to store 0=debug, 1=info, 2=warn, 3=errors 3
hash_salt a salt to use when hashing member data aberfosndsd
p3p IE's compact privacy policy CP="DSP"
logs the log configuration block
all_log_path the path for storing ALL logs log/app.log
error_log_path the path for storing Error logs log/error.log
file_history the maximum number of log files 10
file_maxsize the maximum number of bytes per log files 10000
redis the redis configuration block yml configuration block for redis specific configuration
(redis) host server hosting redis localhost
(redis) port port exposing redis 6379
(redis) password redis connection password example_password
(redis) pool the connection pool limit to access redis 10
(redis) time_out the max time in seconds redis will wait for a connection before failing 15
h2 h2 configuration block
(h2) db_conn_url h2 db connection string jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/alphadb
features feature toggle block yml configuration block to toggle features on and off
(features) pre_request_log log before requests are processed true or false
(features) post_request_log log after requests are processed true or false
(features) logs_postgres log data to postgres false
(features) profile_store the db store to use hashdb,redis, mapdb or h2
(features) profile_loader enable datastore loading true or false
(features) profile_service the server to use to map member data onekey
(features) all_log_file_logger location to log all log for all levels true or false
(features) error_file_logger location to log only errors true or false
(features) stdout_logger enable the STD_OUT logger true or false
(features) google_analytics_debug allow additional debug calls to the google analytics API true or false
(features) p3p allow IE P3P policy true or false
(features) etag enable/disable etag for safari true or false

Example meda.yml

  config_check_interval: 1 # Intervals in seconds
  disk_pool: 10
  google_analytics_pool: 10
  mapdb_path: db
  data_path: meda_data
  log_path: log/development.log
  log_level: 0
  hash_salt: b03dac7c42cc49ac805dcbbd0902e660
  p3p: CP=\"DSP\"
    all_log_path: log/app.log
    error_log_path: log/error.log
    file_history: 10
    file_maxsize: 10000
    host: localhost
    port: 6379
    password: nil
    pool: 10
    time_out: 15
    db_conn_url: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/mydb
      - 200ok
    collection_name: rva
    limit: 100
    id_prefix: rva-
    thread_id_key: meda_rva_id
    pre_request_log: true
    post_request_log: true
    logs_postgres: false
    profile_store: hashdb
    profile_loader: true
    profile_service: onekey
    all_log_file_logger: true
    error_file_logger: true
    stdout_logger: true
    error_email_logger: false
    google_analytics_debug: false
    p3p: true
    config_check: false
    google_analytics_debug: true
    verification_api: false
    etag: true

  disk_pool: 4
  google_analytics_pool: 16
  mapdb_path: db
  data_path: meda_data
  log_path: log/production.log
  log_level: 0
    host: localhost
    port: 6379
    password: nil
    pool: 10
    time_out: 15
    db_conn_url: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/mydb
    pre_request_log: true
    post_request_log: true
    logs_postgres: false
    profile_store: hashdb
    profile_loader: true
    profile_service: onekey
    all_log_file_logger: true
    error_file_logger: true
    stdout_logger: true
    error_email_logger: false
    google_analytics_debug: false
    p3p: true
    config_check: false
    google_analytics_debug: true
    etag: false