Medical Chatbot - medicaltransparency/ GitHub Wiki

Potential Blockers Will protected health information be collected or can we do without it?

Goal: Create a chatbot that fills out an HPI that can be kept in a wallet for medical reference

Motivation: Emergency medical treatment is better when healthcare workers know your medical history

Questions the chatbot should ask:

Hi! I'll be helping you to collect some medical information that will be helpful for health care responders in the case of medical emergencies let's get started what is your name? how old are you?

Past Medical History great, have you ever been diagnosed with any medical conditions? have you ever been diagnosed with high blood pressure what about high cholesterol what about diabetes great thank you

Past Surgical History have you had any surgeries in the past? any procedures done to abdominal area a female, what about any C-sections in the past any surgeries on your arms legs or joints?

Medications are you taking any medications? what medications are you taking how often are you taking those medications how much of those medications are you taking what's the dose of the medications you take

Allergies are you allergic to anything? are you allergic to any medications what happens if you're exposed to it

Family History does anybody in your family like your mom dad brothers or sisters have any medical conditions any family history of Strokes any family history of any cancers anybody in your family been diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes

Social History do you drink alcohol how often do you drink how much do you drink each time do you smoke tobacco how many years have you smoked how many packs a day do you smoke did you ever smoke in the past Do you use any recreational drugs Do you smoke marijuana

Thanks! I'll process the information you provided now. Take a look! Is this correct?