End of Life Decisions - medicaltransparency/medicaltransparency.github.io GitHub Wiki
Goal: Create an easy, accessible way for people to make end of life decisions with clear explanations of what those decisions mean
Motivation: POLSTs are not universal If you have an advance directive but no one can find it, was it actually done? Doctors have different interpretations of DNR/DNI Many people do not have plans in place or have not talked to family about their wishes, which places pressure and stress on family members when they are asked to make quick and life-altering decisions
Landing page: [Needs expansion in content - and any ideas of what it could look like would be great]
- maybe we can include an animated video that answers the following questions? With the questions again listed later on down the page. Or, we could have them listed with nice animations next to each one
- we can look for statistics that support our statement that people often don’t have appropriate plans in place when something bad happens
Why should people make these decisions?
- Everyone should be able choose how they want their end of life care
- I’m young and healthy, so I don’t need this right?
- Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to predict when and if something terrible might happen. If something does happen, these are often the hardest situations
- This is an uncomfortable subject to talk about with my family
- If you love them, don’t put them in a shitty situation
- Talking to them now will avoid stress later on down the line
Quiz page: [Needs expansion / research]
What are the options?
- No intubation, no resuscitation in any circumstance
- Only intubate
- Do everything
Kim’s thoughts
Did some googling and found some websites where they have the info that we are looking to spread, but perhaps not in the most straightforward of ways
Videos: http://capolst.org/polst-for-patients-loved-ones/
Real CPR vid on the beach: http://www.123cpr.com/2014/08/13/watch-real-life-cpr-real-person/
There’s legislation that’s been passed to enact the same POLST directory that they have in Oregon!!