Process PR - medhatelmasry/GoodBooks GitHub Wiki
- clone the repo and change directory into the new folder
cd GoodBooks
git fetch origin
- now that all branches are on your local, run:
git switch <branch name to be tested>
- Verify your on the correct branch with:
git branch (it should show you're on <branch name to be tested>)
if you cannot see the branch that you want to test then you can execute this command:
git checkout -b <branch name to be tested> origin/<branch name to be tested>
- At the root:
dotnet restore
dotnet build
- Make a fresh docker container;
docker run --cap-add SYS_PTRACE -e ACCEPT_EULA=1 -e MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=SqlPassword! -p 1444:1433 --name sql -d
- Make migrations and update the DB:
dotnet ef migrations add M1 --project ./src/Api/ --startup-project ./src/Api/Api.csproj --msbuildprojectextensionspath .build/obj/Api/ --context ApplicationIdentityDbContext --output-dir Data/Migrations/IdentityDb
dotnet ef migrations add M2 --project ./src/Api/ --startup-project ./src/Api/Api.csproj --msbuildprojectextensionspath .build/obj/Api/ --context ApiDbContext --output-dir Data/Migrations/ApiDb
dotnet ef database update --project ./src/Api/ --msbuildprojectextensionspath .build/obj/Api/ --context ApplicationIdentityDbContext
dotnet ef database update --project ./src/Api/ --msbuildprojectextensionspath .build/obj/Api/ --context ApiDbContext
- Add this to the API's appsettings.json:
"JwtSettings": {
"validIssuer": "Good Deed Books API",
"validAudience": "http://localhost:8001",
"expires": 60
"key": "GoodDeedBooks1234GoodDeedBooks1234"
- go to the src/Api folder and start the WebAPI app with:
dotnet watch
- Hit this endpoint in order to populate the database with some sample data: http://localhost:8001/api/administration/setup. Thereafter, test endpoint http://localhost:8001/api/Financials/Accounts
Expected Result when testing endpoint /api/Financials/Accounts
<img src="" width="600" height="500">
- Ensure the API app is running. In a separate terminal window, go to the src/AccountGoWeb and run the backend ASP.NET Core MVC app with the following command:
dotnet watch