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backend (AccountGoWeb) broken because it uses API. Suspision is that routes nees to have /api
remove all remnants of JS in the AccountGoWeb app because React is moved into a separate folder
in the react app, enable strict lint so that use of 'any' variable is exposed
react app still generates errors & does not seem to save any data
- do we keep same architecture
- should the backend MVC app work thru WebAPI or should it talk directly to the DB
- we should consider tutning the API app into an Azure Functions app so that both React & API can be deployed as Azure Web App
- should startup data seeding be moved to backend MVC app?
- Should we replace React with Blazor
- Rebuild app from scratch
QUESTIONS to developer
- why does backend MVC app go through API to talk to DB?
- is there a more recent version of the source code?