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Installing GTK+ 2.x (and pkg_config) for Windows

  1. Grab the all-in-one bundle (32bit) from this page.
  2. Extract it to somewhere (without spaces) like C:\apps\pf\gtk+-2.0.
  3. Add the bin directory (e.g., C:\apps\pf\gtk+-2.0\bin) to your system PATH.
  4. Download the pkg-config windows binary.
  5. From this archive, extract bin/pkg-config.exe and put it somewhere on your system PATH (such as C:\apps\bin).
  6. Download the glib windows binary.
  7. From this archive, extract all the files from bin/ and put them somewhere on your system PATH (such as C:\apps\lib).
  8. Download the gettext windows binary.
  9. From this archive, extract bin/intl.dll and put it on your system PATH (such as C:\apps\lib).
  10. Add an environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH, set it equal to the lib/pkgconfig directory in your gtk+ directory (e.g., C:\apps\pf\gtk+-2.0\lib\pkgconfig).
  11. Open a new command window (to make sure it has all env var updates) and type pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0. If it gives you an error, you're screwed. If it spits out some GCC compiler flags, you should be in good shape.

Standard mingw is 32-bit, and can't successfully read the 64-bit libraries in the 64-bit releases. There is a 64-bit mingw, but I haven't had a lot of luck with it in general.

If you build ok but get a DLL error when you try to run, you might have other versions of the libraries earlier on your path, especially if you have GTK+-3.x installed somewhere.