Dynamic Displays - mdsimmo/bomberman GitHub Wiki

Bomberman supports the creation of Join Signs and Holograms by exposing data through the PlaceholderAPI plugin. Some recommended plugins are Holographic Extension and SignLink

Two placeholder variables exist in the format of:

  • %bomberman_info_<game>_<stat>%
  • %bomberman_msg_<msg>%
    • <msg> is a custom localization message
    • The message has two variables passed into it:
      • {games}: a list of all active games
      • {player}: the PlaceholderAPI reference player (if existing)

Example placeholder usage:

  • %bomberman_info_mygame_players%/%bomberman_info_mygame_spawns%
  • %bomberman_msg_{games|get|mygame|{!it|players}/{!it|spawns}}%
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