Test Plan - mdj117/Smithing GitHub Wiki

#Fetching the module

  1. gradlew fetchModuleSmithing
  2. gradlew fetchModuleEquipmentSmithing

##Test (Running the game with the module)(1)

  1. Fetch the module using gradlew fetchModuleSmithing
  2. Run the game via gradlew game
  3. Make sure that only the Smithing module is activated
  4. Verify that the game has started and is running
  5. Check for errors in the Console

##Test (Station check)(1)

  1. Fetch PortableSmithingStation via give PortableSmithingStation
  2. Select the PortableSmithingStation
  3. Right click to check if it opens

##Test (Coal/Charcoal check)(2)

  1. Fetch Smithing:coal via give coal
  2. Select the Smithing:Coal and place it in the slot
  3. Check to see if the Station is Working
  4. Repeat step 2 and 3 with Charcoal

##Test (Heat dissipation check for Coal/Charcoal) (2)

  1. Fetch the coal via give item. Item can be either coal or charcoal
  2. Place Smithing:coal in the station
  3. Wait till it's consumed (Should take a while)
  4. Repeat 5 time with different items inside it
  5. Repeat step 1 2 3 and 4 with Charcoal

##Test (Making bars)(3)

  1. Get the pieces via give (Smithing:itemname) in this case the itemname can be bronze/tin/copper
  2. Place two pieces of Smithing:Coppernuggets into the station
  3. Place a hammer in the tool section of the UI
  4. Place a Charcoal/coal for heat
  5. Copper Bar should be made/ Verify correct bar is made
  6. Repeat 1 2 3 and 4 with Tin and Bronze nuggets

##Test (Making a Basic Smithing Station) (1)

  1. Place two blocks of Cobblestone next to each other
  2. Use copperforgehammer on the top of them
  3. Check if the texture of both of the blocks change
  4. Check if the Smithing Station UI comes up when the player interacts with any of the two blocks
  5. Try to make a bar.

##Test (Upgrade) (1)

  1. Fetch a copper structure via give copperstructure
  2. Fetch a basic smithing station via give BasicSmithingStation
  3. Place 3 blocks of copperstructure in the BasicSmithingStation (lower left corner)
  4. Now click upgrade button
  5. Check if replaced by standardsmithingstation (has 3 more input slots)
  6. Try to make a smithing:copperbar

Test (Tools)

  1. Fetch a 2 bars of copper via give copperbar
  2. Fetch a portable smithing station via give portablesmithingstation
  3. Fetch a copperforgehammer via give copperforgehammer
  4. Fetch a few pieces of charcoal via give charcoal
  5. Place 2 bars next to each other on the top left corner (4 block)
  6. Place a copperforgehammer in the tools section (the first line with 4 block)
  7. Place the pieces of charcoal in the block under the thermometer
  8. Wait a few second, the option to craft should be visible now on the top right corner