Project Bootstrap - mdewhirst/sweat-equity GitHub Wiki
Before executing the first equity agreement the Project must be incorporated
Owner incorporates Project and provides initial management
Project will be initially hosted by Owner
Project shareholders will reside all around the world
Project customers will reside all around the world
Project will own intellectual property assets in software and design
Project will own internet domain names
Project will own other corporate entities in future in various jurisdictions
Project will outsource most if not all computing facilities
Project will contract most if not all development resources
Project will contract most if not all management resources
Using the equity agreement, Project recruits a Board of Directors of:
Chair filled by Owner
Other seats are initially empty
Using the equity agreement, Project recruits a Management Team of:
Public Officer / CEO
Management team establishes:
Books of acccounts
Share register
Monthly reports against business plan
Using the equity agreement, Project recruits a Development Team of:
Graphic Designer
Web user-interface (UI) specialist
Web Developer
Systems Engineer
Development team agrees on and establishes:
Necessary infrastructure
Coding style
Modes of operation
CEO introduces Stakeholder team (representing customers) to development team
Development team commences work
Stakeholders collaborate with Developers to deliver product