5 Work Contract - mdewhirst/sweat-equity GitHub Wiki

This document outlines your terms of engagement in the Project as a member of the Development or Management Team

Name of Contractor __________________________________________________________________

Role in Team __________________________________________________________________

Commencement date __________________________________________________________________

###Location You will be working via the Internet at physical premises of your own choosing. Most or all meetings will be internet meetings with or without video and with or without voice as arranged for each meeting.

###Duration This contract will terminate on ___________________

###Hours Quoted 1800 hours per year net of annual leave or fewer hours if operating part-time.

###Hours of Work A schedule of at least one hour per week of core time will be negotiated by all members of the Team and when agreed may not be changed without renegotiation. The primary purpose of core time will be a voice-enabled meeting at which you and all other team members briefly report to each other on your progress since last meeting, intentions prior to the next meeting and any current problems blocking progress.

In addition to core hours, you are required to be at work during hours to which you specifically commit for purposes of communicating with any member of any Project Team including Project Stakeholders. Otherwise, you may work hours of your own choosing.

For routine work other than scheduled hours, you are required to work at a sustainable pace. It is unreasonable to work long hours such that tiredness affects your mental acuity. You are required to take breaks from work frequently enough so that you maintain your effectiveness throughout the working day and over the long term.

You are not required to work on Saturdays, Sundays or official public holidays in the region in which you work.

###Responsibilities and duties As discussed and documented in various Team communications from time to time

###Compliance with company policies & procedures As discussed and written in Project documentation from time to time

###Remuneration As invoiced per your quotation

###Annual Leave Entitlement to take annual leave accumulates at the rate of 1.66 days per month. You are entitled and encouraged to schedule up to 20 days of leave per year.

Apply for annual leave to all members of your Team. You are responsible for negotiating your absence with other members of your Team so that your important workload is carried by specific members while you are absent. Similarly, you are also required to negotiate acceptance of important workload from other Team members who negotiate their leave.

Annual leave should be taken each year for reasons of rest and recreation. Workload should never persuade you to avoid taking leave. It will accumulate if not consumed but if annual leave has not been scheduled it is required to be taken at the rate of one day per week until the total unconsumed leave drops below twice the annual entitlement.

###Sick leave

You are entitled to four days sick-leave per year which accumulates at the rate of one day per month for the first four months of each year. Sick leave accumulates. Absence must be explained or your annual leave entitlement will be decremented accordingly.

###Long service leave Will not apply to this contract.

###Maternity/paternity leave Will not apply to this contract

###Harassment/racial vilification/discrimination If anyone is giving you a hard time for reasons other than the quality of your work you should immediately ask the person concerned to stop. If the problem persists report the circumstances to the CEO. It is company policy to always be polite and responsible in all dealings with others.

If members of your Team find fault with your work you are responsible for resolving the issues in a professional manner.

If you find fault with the work of other Team members you are responsible for revealing such fault(s) in a professional manner.

###Computer use/abuse It is mandatory to interface to the Project in a professional manner.

If in your judgement anyone introduces any unlicensed or inappropriate content, data or hyperlink into any communication, filesystem or database used by any team and you become aware of it you are required to immediately report it to the CEO.

###Confidentiality If you have not already done so, you are required to execute the Project's non-disclosure agreement which protects against misuse of confidential information or sensitive information relating to customers, e.g. commercial and financial activities and information relating to intellectual property.

###Termination This contract terminates on the termination date mentioned above or earlier under any one of the following circumstances:

  • Either party providing two weeks notice to the other party

  • Immediately if harrassment, vilification or discrimination complaints are proven against you. They would be considered proven if a majority of your Team members agreed to that effect.

  • Immediately in the event of unprofessional conduct if you have been previously advised by the CEO that such conduct is unprofessional.

  • Immediately in the event of breaching confidentialty provisions of the Project's non-disclosure agreement which you executed.

###Acceptance I agree to be bound by the provisions of this contract.

