Kernel - mdelgert/IntelGalileo GitHub Wiki

1. Preparing the virtual machine

2. # apt-get install debootstrap build-essential binutils git gawk chrpath kernel-package fakeroot libncurses5-dev parted p7zip-full dosfstools

3. # mkdir /src

4. # cd /src

5. Download kernel packages see following link for latest link

  1. wget
If Intel is down
  1. wget -O Board_Support_Package_Sources_for_Intel_Quark_v1.0.1.7z
6. Extract patches and has for HEAD of git tree
  1. mkdir /src/bsp && cd /src/bsp
  2. 7z x ../*7z && tar xvf quark_linux* && rm -f *7z *gz *txt
  3. cat quark_linux*/upstream.cfg
  4. git clone git://
  5. cd linux-stable/
  6. git reset --hard 531ec28f9f26f78797124b9efcf2138b89794a1e
  7. git am ../quark_linux*/00*
7. Add kernel config

Several options use default stock kernel config

  1. cp ./meta/cfg/kernel-cache/bsp/quark/quark.cfg .config
or use example config with working cifs support

wget -O .config

Note: Several article around Intel Galileo issues when mounting samba CIFS drives having errors "CIFS support has to be enabled in the kernel".

Option to backup kernel before building using tar

tar --exclude='.git' -zcvf /src/bsp/IntelGalileoDebianKernelSource1.tar.gz /src/bsp/linux-stable

You can download this Intel Galileo Debian kernel source with cifs support from here. -

Option to backup patched quark linux kernel

tar -zcvf /src/bsp/quark_linux_v3.8.7+v1.0.1.tar.gz /src/bsp/quark_linux_v3.8.7+v1.0.1

8. Compiling the Intel Galileo Debian Kernel

  1. cd /src/bsp/linux-stable
Optional adjust the kernel configuration options # make menuconfig
  1. fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image modules_image
Grab a cup of coffee and sit back. Compiling a kernel can take some time....

When complete the freshly compiled kernel will be out file to /src/bsp/linux-image-3.8.7+_3.8.7+-10.00.Custom_i386.deb

Or you can skip all these and download a compiled kernel for Intel Galileo Debian 7 here.

  1. wget linux-image-3.8.7+_3.8.7+-10.00.Custom_i386.deb -O
For more details see,
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