Home - mdeguzis/RetroRig GitHub Wiki

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Welcome to the RetroRig Wiki!

Here you can find information on the RetroRig projects, as well as tips and tricks on getting RetroRig to work on your Ubuntu installation. Some sections may be incomplete, so please be patient. If folks are interested in contributing, please let me know! You can also click here for a direct link to the README.md file in the git repository.

Many times, the easiest way to ask a simple question or collaborate is to join the #retrorig-dev IRC channel on irc.freenode.net. There are also these options:

###Source website RetroRig is developed and maintained by Michael DeGuzis, owner and main editor of www.libregeek.org. The project also owes a lot to contributions and assistance from others. You can find them, and their notable contributions in the AUTHORS file. If you are interested in any information related to that website or this project, you can always use the Contact page to submit an inquiry.

Thank you!

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