libusbK FAQ - mcuee/libusbk GitHub Wiki
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libusbk document:
Unlike libusb which is a cross-platform project, libusb-win32 and libusbK project are both Windows only project.
libusb-win32 project includes libusb0.sys (Windows WDM kernel driver in device driver mode or filter driver mode) and libusb0.dll (libusb-win32 API, library). libusb-win32 API is a superset of the libusb-0.1 API supported by libusb-compat. libusb0.dll supports device using libusb0.sys and libusbK.sys.
libusbK projects includes libusbk.sys (Windows KMDF kernel driver) and libusbK.dll (libusbK API, library). libusbK API is Windows only and libusbk.dll supports device using libusbK.sys, libusb0.sys and WinUSB.
libusb Windows backend can support device using libusbK.sys (and libusb0.sys driver -- not recommended due to issues) through libusbk.dll provided by libusbK project. If libusbk.dll is present, it will use libusbK.dll as the intermediate library to support device using WinUSB driver. If libusbK.dll is not present, then it will directly talk to device using WinUSB using WinUSB API. libusb Windows also supports device using generic HID driver or usbdk driver.
All libusbK related questions and issues may be posted to the libusb-win32-devel mailing list.
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Yes (as long as the underlying OS supports USB 3.0 too). Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 need vendor driver to support USB 3.0. Windows 8/10 and later have native USB 3.0 support.
Try to disable that and complaint to McAfee. Or use Windows Defender instead. Ref: