Project Task List - mcranwill/friendRecognitionGame GitHub Wiki

My first step to take will be to create a basic table view to display data about the user. In addition, I will try to implement Facebook connectivity so I can receive packages from Facebook's developer API. The connectivity phase will involve learning Facebook's iOS API and how to establish/manage connections to APIs.


1. Display some data from the Facebook API in a table view **DONE**

Connect to Facebook
Authenticate the User
Get a Friends List Object ( FLO ) from Facebook iOS API
Manipulate FLO and maybe store parts statically

2. Display the game and allow for user input **MOSTLY DONE**

Display a random friend's profile pic from FLO **Friend Selected: Need to display pic **
Choose three random friends from FLO to display as alternative options **DONE**

3. Handle the user's selection and process whether it was correct or not and display some feedback

4. Store the user's attempt and whether it was a success or fail persistently

Supplementary Deliverables:

i.1 Connect iOS app to use Heroku database which already exists at

i.2 Connect to LinkedIn API to get a user's connections

i.3 Group friends from FLO in a coherent way to make game more interesting and useable.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️