State Estimation Input Data - mcosovic/MATGRID GitHub Wiki

The input data is located in the data directory, as the mat-file with the struct variable data. The state estimation module, except the measurement data, requires quantities that describe the physical structure of the power system which are located in variable data.system. Measurement data are given in variables data.legacy and data.pmu, with variables flow, current, injection, voltage for legacy measurements, and current, voltage for phasor measurement units (PMUs).

The minimum amount of information with each instance of the data structure to run the module requires one of the types of measurements (e.g., data.legacy.flow).

Legacy Measurements

Power flow measurement data are located in data.legacy.flow with the structure:

Column Description Unit
1 from bus number
2 to bus number
3 active power flow measurement per-unit
4 active power flow variance per-unit
5 on/off status
6 reactive power flow measurement per-unit
7 reactive power flow variance per-unit
8 on/off status
9 active power flow exact value (optional) per-unit
10 reactive power flow exact value (optional) per-unit

Line current magnitude measurement data are located in data.legacy.current with the structure:

Column Description Unit
1 from bus number
2 to bus number
3 line current magnitude measurement per-unit
4 line current magnitude variance per-unit
5 on/off status
6 line current magnitude exact value (optional) per-unit

Power injection measurement data are located in data.legacy.injection with the structure:

Column Description Unit
1 bus number
2 active power injection measurement per-unit
3 active power injection variance per-unit
4 on/off status
5 reactive power injection measurement per-unit
6 reactive power injection variance per-unit
7 on/off status
8 active power injection exact value (optional) per-unit
9 reactive power injection exact value (optional) per-unit

Bus voltage magnitude measurement data are located in data.legacy.voltage with the structure:

Column Description Unit
1 bus number
2 bus voltage magnitude measurement per-unit
3 bus voltage magnitude variance per-unit
4 on/off status
6 bus voltage magnitude exact value (optional) per-unit

Phasor Measurements

Line current phasor measurement data are located in data.pmu.current with the structure:

Column Description Unit
1 from bus number
2 to bus number
3 line current magnitude measurement per-unit
4 line current magnitude variance per-unit
5 on/off status
6 line current angle measurement radian
7 line current angle variance radian
8 on/off status
9 line current magnitude exact value (optional) per-unit
10 line current angle exact value (optional) radian

Bus voltage phasor measurement data are located in data.pmu.voltage with the structure:

Column Description Unit
1 bus number
2 bus voltage magnitude measurement per-unit
3 bus voltage magnitude variance per-unit
4 on/off status
5 bus voltage angle measurement radian
6 bus voltage angle variance radian
7 on/off status
8 bus voltage magnitude exact value (optional) per-unit
9 bus voltage angle exact value (optional) radian
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