Measurement Generator Run Settings - mcosovic/MATGRID GitHub Wiki
The module uses the AC power flow analysis to generate measurement values. Standalone measurement generator receives inputs for measurement variances, and inputs for measurement sets, to produce measurement data. The settings should be given as input arguments of the function rungen
Although the syntax is given in a certain order, for methodological reasons, only DATA
must appear as the first input argument, and the order of other inputs is arbitrary, as well as their appearance.
rungen(DATA, LIMIT, ATTACH, SET) defines the measurement set (active and inactive measurements)
rungen(DATA, LIMIT, ATTACH, SET, VARIANCE) defines measurement values according to a given predefined variances
[data] = rungen(...) returns the power system and measurement data
rungen('ieee14_20', 'pmuOptimal', 'pmuUnique', 1e-12');
rungen('ieee14_20', 'legDevice', [10 0 4 0], 'legUnique', 1e-4);
Example | Description |
'ieee30_41' |
loads the power system data (first input argument in the rungen function) |
Command | Description |
'reactive' |
forces reactive power constraints |
'voltage' |
forces voltage magnitude constraints |
Command | Description |
'maxIter',value |
specifies the maximum number of iterations x for the Gauss-Newton algorithm value = x, default setting: 500
Command | Description |
'pmuOptimal' |
deploys phasor measurements according to the optimal PMU location, where the system is completely observable only by phasor measurements |
'pmuRedundancy',value |
deploys random angle and magnitude measurements measured by PMUs according to the corresponding redundancy x value = x, default setting: maximum redundancy
'pmuDevice',value |
deploys phasor measurements according to the random selection of PMUs x placed on buses, where measurement set contains voltage and current phasor measurements associated with the corresponding PMU value = x, default setting: all PMUs are active
'legRedundancy',value |
deploys random selection of legacy measurements according the corresponding redundancy x value = x, default setting: maximum redundancy
'legDevice',value |
deploys legacy measurements according to the random selection of legacy devices placed on branches or buses, where measurement set contains power flow x, current magnitude y, power injection z and voltage magnitude v measurements value = [x y z v], default setting: all devices are active
Command | Description |
'pmuUnique',value |
applies fixed-value variance x over all phasor measurements value = x, default setting: 1e-12
'pmuRandom',value |
selects variances uniformly at random within limits x and y applied over all phasor measurements value = [x y], default setting: [1e-12 1e-10]
'pmuType',value |
predefines variances over a given subset of angles and magnitudes measured by PMUs: current magnitude x, current angle y, voltage magnitude z and voltage angle v value = [x y z v], default setting: [1e-10 1e-12 1e-10 1e-12]
'legUnique',value |
applies fixed-value variance x over all legacy measurements value = x, default setting: value = 1e-8
'legRandom',value |
selects variances uniformly at random within limits x and y applied over all legacy measurements value = [x y], default setting: [1e-9 1e-8]
'legType',value |
predefines variances over a given subset of legacy measurements: active flow x, reactive flow y, current magnitude z, active injection v, reactive injection p and voltage magnitude q value = [x y z v p q], default setting: [1e-6 1e-8 1e-8 1e-6 1e-8 1e-8]
The measurement generator flowchart depicts the algorithm process according to user settings.