Tools - mconlon17/vivo-etl GitHub Wiki

We use the following tools. Other tools could be used. We are demonstrating a basic pattern for creating consistent RDF from multiple sources to multiple targets.

A utility, is provided in this repository to convert CSV and TSV files to JSON.

When data comes in the form of TSV or CSV, use the utility to convert it to JSON. For example, the command line below converts a file called enterprise.tsv and produces a file enterprise.json, ready for further processing.

python3 <enterprise.tsv >enterprise.json


Use the command line tool wget to create a JSON file from an API.


Use JSON2RDF to convert any JSON file a raw RDF file. JSON2RDF uses the semantics of the JSON file to create predicates for the triples it uses to create RDF.


Use riot, the Apache Jena command line "RDF input output tool" to convert the output of JSON2RDF to a TURTLE representation appropriate for robot (see below). By default, JSON2RDF produces N-triples with blank node IRI for entities. robot is not yet able to read such files. Converting the triples format to an anonymous TTL format allows robot to assign blank node identifiers and proceed with processing.


Use robot to convert the raw RDF produced by JSON2RDF and riot to VIVO RDF for the ontologies of choice by using an appropriate SPARQL CONSTRUCT query. Examples are provided.


Use tdbloader for loading triples to a triple store. It's super fast. And for MacOS, and Linux, there's also tdbloader2 that's even faster.