Instructions for using the DCFaultFinder on MacOS - mckunkel/DCFaultFinder GitHub Wiki
Install Maven 3 if not already installed
- Since 10.6.8 MacOSx Snow Leopard Mac OS X comes with Apache Maven 3 built in
- If there is no current build, the best (authors opinion) method to install Apache Maven 3 is through homebrew
- Install homebrew Homebrew
- Install Apache maven 3
brew install maven
Install MySQL if not already installed
- MySQL install link
The DCFaultFinder is set up to use the credentials of
1. localhost:3306
1. user:root
1. password:
This can be modified in the class
- Set up the database required for the DCFaultFinder
mysql -u root -p dc_chan_status < scripts/MacOS/dbSetup.sql
Build the package
In the directory FaulFinder, where the pom.xml file is located
1. `mvn package`
1. In the directory target `java -jar DCFaultFinderApp-jar-with-dependencies.jar`