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git on vscode

When in fs, use a PS7 terminal and normal git commands. When in WSL you can use the source control commands in the vscode sidebar.

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iot projects git scripts

There are two different scripts for a new commit and a copy of tag to tags. Keeping the tag names the same between e://fs/iot3/ and WSL://home/tim/www/react/v18/iot/ will keep the fullstack work in sync.

For fs/iot3 use git.ps1 o7-tag_name

  param ($tag)
  write-host $tag
  $from = "my"
  $to = "tags/$tag"
  Copy-Item -Path (Get-Item -Path "$from\*" -Exclude ('.pio')).FullName -Destination $to -Recurse -Force
  git add . -A
  git commit -m"$tag"
  git tag $tag
  git push
  git push --tags

For wsl www projects, use o7-tag_name which is global in /home/tim/.scripts

echo $(pwd)
rsync -av --exclude=".git" --exclude='node_modules' --exclude='*/dist' --exclude='*/prod' --exclude='*/*/dist' --exclude='*/*/prod' --exclude='*/node_modules' --exclude='*/*/node_modules' --exclude='*/package-lock.json' --exclude='*/*/package-lock.json'  . tags/$1
git add . -A
git commit -m"$1"
git tag $1
git push
git push --tags