Issues and Errata - mchpgfx/ GitHub Wiki
GFX Issues and Errata - Post-Release
When communicating about issues and errata after a feature release is published we use GFX Issues and Errata post-release communication page. Here is where the software team communicates post-release issue discoveries to users as an extension of the current release notes.
Found here, are a collection of MPLAB® Harmony Graphics Suite issues and errata about a GFX released version.
GFX v3.6.0 Post Release Errata
GFX v3.7.0 Post Release Errata
In addition to this page, specific troubleshooting FAQs are available at Troubleshooting.
If you are new to MPLAB® Harmony, you should probably start with these tutorials:
- MPLAB® Harmony v3 software framework
- MPLAB® Harmony v3 Configurator Overview
- Create a New MPLAB® Harmony v3 Project
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