How to Add Text - mchpgfx/ GitHub Wiki
How to Add Text
It’s time to add text. You’ll start by working on the user interface created from How to add a Button Widget.
Good readable text is paramount. Text can catch users' attention, convey information and create a clear concise user experience.
Adding text is a three part process. You will need a Font, a String and a Widget for display. In this guide we will use a Label Widget.
We guide you through this process in the following guides:
Next Step
In this guide, you learn that adding text is a three part part creation process; adding Font and String assets, and then displaying the text with a widget. Go to the next tutorial in this series: How to Add Font.
If you are new to MPLAB® Harmony, you should probably start with these tutorials:
- MPLAB® Harmony v3 software framework
- MPLAB® Harmony v3 Configurator Overview
- Create a New MPLAB® Harmony v3 Project
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