Application Deep Dive - mchpgfx/ GitHub Wiki


A collection of application deep-dive tutorials are provided with MPLAB� Harmony Graphics Suite to help users create graphics applications on their own hardware..


A collection of application deep-dive tutorials are provided with MPLAB� Harmony Graphics Suite to help users create graphics applications on their own hardware. There's no need to be an expert or have a MHC background; the only thing that is required is a bit of experience with Microchip 32-bit products, your development board, your schematics, and a desire to learn.

If you have your own hardware, you can use MPLAB� Harmony Graphics Suite, to create an optimize application for Microchip 32-bit products.

Because we do not have your hardware, this guide will use Microchip Development Kits to create applications. The kit will have a development board, display, and schematics.

Note: This tutorial does not use Board Support Packages or Graphics Templates. The use of Board Support Packages (BSPs) and Graphics Templates are used in all MPLAB� Harmony Graphic Suite application distributions for ease of use. These components combine many steps into one easy click package. Visit the GFX for more information.

Deep Dive Tutorials

Next Steps

If you are new to MPLAB� Harmony, you should probably start with these tutorials.

If you are new to MPLAB� Harmony Graphics Suite, you should probably start with these tutorials.

If you are familiar with MPLAB� Harmony Graphics Suite