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IP module is needed and should be up and running on your LAN


Version 3.1.8 is required.

The script plugin must be installed.

API key activated (Access, HTTP, JSON RPC and TTS) apisetup

gomotics will try to match the equipment using the location and name. This means that the rooms (lieux) names in NHC must match the name of objects in Jeedom and that the action name in NHC must match the name of the equipment (script) in Jeedom. The case is not sensitive.

In case the AUTO_CREATE_OBJECTS parameter is set to Y, gomotics will automatically create Room and Equipment in Jeedom for any NHC Room/Equipment that does not match Jeedom items.

Avoid sepcial characters like "&" as it is not always supported in Jeedom

NHC Setup

We will use the following example: a simple light setup as follows in NHC:

Note that the action is linked to the "smartphone". This will ensure that the state is propagated to the NHC IP module.

Jeedom Setup

Starting with v0.4.0, gomotics can automatically create objects and underlying equipments and scripts in Jeedom. Activate this feature by correctly setting up the AutoCreateObjects and GMHostPort parameters.

The follwing section covers the manual setup in Jeedom

Jeedom Object (room)

Setup Jeedom object as room ("Lieux") have been setup in Niko, sharing the exact same name than the one defined in Niko Home Control. Case is not sensitive.

Jeedom Equipment

The "Script" plugin must be installed on Jeedom

The equipment in Jeedom correspond to a NHC action. Simply define those in Jeedom as "script" object.

Once the equipment is defined in Jeedom, we need to setup the different "scripts" that will allow the equipment to send commands and receive updates to/from gomotics.

There are two different equipment types supported, with different setup: switches and dimmers.


Switches are any devices that can be switched on or off. They require 4 scripts:

  1. "state": info script: a script that will allow Jeedom to know the current state of the device:
  2. "on": action script (http) will allow Jeedom to switch the NHC device on. The script should be: http://host:port/api/v1/jeedom/#eqLogiq_id#/100
  3. "off": action script (http) will allow Jeedom to switch the NHC device off. The script should be: http://host:port/api/v1/jeedom/#eqLogic_id#/0
  4. "updState": action script (script) that does nothing, but allows gomotics to update the equipment's state in Jeedom without sending a real command (retour d'état)


Dimmers only need three scripts, the On and Off scripts are replaced by a single "dim" one:

  1. "state": info script: a script that will allow Jeedom to know the current state of the device.
  2. "dim": action script (http) will allow Jeedom to switch the NHC device on. The script should be: http://host:port/api/v1/jeedom/#eqLogiq_id#/#slider#
  3. "updState": action script (script) that does nothing, but allows gomotics to update the equipment's state in Jeedom

Pay attention to use the right host and port. By default, gomotics will listen on port 8081