Styrut Pickel (Vande) - mcculzac/brouwer GitHub Wiki

name: Styrut Pickel
class: Ranger
level: 5
hp: 39
sex: Male
race: Human/Illuskan
alignment: ??
ac: 14
str: 10
dex: 16
con: 12
int: 13
wis: 10
cha: 16
proficiency: 3
passive perception: 13
Languages: Common, Elvish, Orc
Gloves: no
  • Athletics
  • History
  • Intimidation
  • Investigation
  • Perception
feats: sharpshooter
Age: 142


Styrut was the ensign flag holder during the War with Nature. The elves had always communed with nature, but over time some had slipped into something akin to exploiting it, using sinister magicks to for their own benefit. Such was the reason he found himself holding a flag near the front of the charge, facing hoards of Treants head-on. The first row of elven warriors had been decimated before he thought the fighting had even begun. Horrified, Styrut ran in a different direction, defecting from the troops. When he finally stopped running, he found himself still holding the flag of his fallen comrades. He promised himself to go far from the forest, never to return to the horrors that lay within again.

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