Bron Steadmor (Jackman) - mcculzac/brouwer GitHub Wiki
name: | Bron Steadmor |
class: | Cleric |
level: | 5 |
hp: | 38 |
sex: | Male |
race: | Human/Illuskan |
alignment: | LN |
ac: | 17 |
str: | 15 |
dex: | 13 |
con: | 14 |
int: | 11 |
wis: | 18 |
cha: | 9 |
proficiency: | 3 |
passive perception: | 12 |
Languages: | Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Undercommon |
Gloves: | yes |
proficiencies: |
feats: | |
spells: | |
Age: | 25 |
Bron Steadmor was born in the northwestern-most part of the Sword Coast North in the city of Luskan to parents Meridah and Ivor. Bron was raised mostly by his mother, as his father was a Luskan guard. Ivor instilled the importance of strength and a distaste for cowardice into Bron, training him as a soldier to carry on the family legacy in Luskan. Bron respected his father, but was uninspired by the surrounding city, instead dreamed of leaving the city and living the life of an adventurer. As a child he spent much of his time listening to stories of older adventurers, and wanted that lifestyle for himself. The glory of slaying undead and dragons appealed to Bron; he vowed that one day he would be known as the greatest adventurer. After turning 18, Bron met a group of traveling adventurers restocking supplies in Luskan (Skarlett TottenHall the Gnome Ranger with her brown bear companion Sobig, Retgen Elbatan the Human Wizard, Pheldyne Brae the Half-Elf bard, Didier Hutu the Human Cleric, and Cainen Szilard the Tiefling Paladin). They were bound for the city of Baulder’s Gate, where many contracts to slay dangerous beasts could be found. Seeing his chance to leave the city, Bron eagerly joined the party and set off, leaving a note to his parents about his new start on life. The next three years went by with little to note, Bron gaining experience as a capable fighter with a sword and acquiring a fair amount of gold for their exploits. He became good friends with Didier and Retgen, admiring their spellcasting capabilities. He trusted the rest of the party with his life and knew that they trusted him as well. Around a month after Bron turned 21, the party heard of a dragon pillaging the farming communities north of Baulder’s Gate and set off to vanquish the threat. Prepared for the fight of their lives, the party made the trek up the mountain to face the beast. Upon entering the lair, all of the party except Cainen triggered a trap, rendering them all paralyzed. It seemed that Cainen had been working with the dragon, who was fully prepared for the group to come. As the dragon attacked with freezing breath, Retgen created a portal for the party to escape as a last ditch effort. Bron fell unconscious, and later awoke outside Baulder’s Gate, alone. Still unable to move, Bron realized this was the end and resigned himself to death, falling unconscious again. The next time he awoke, he found himself in the temple to Kelemvor with a priest praying over his body. The man who saved him was Varim Dusksky, a devout follower of Kelemvor. Varim knew that Bron had much left to do in life and revived and nursed Bron back to health. Knowing the divine power of Kelemvor was what saved him fron death, Bron became a devout follower himself, spending the next few years learning about his patron god, and training to become a cleric. As a mark of his faith, he was branded with Kelemvor's symbol (upright skeletal arm holding balanced scales) over his heart and discovered that with his faith in Kelemvor he was able to channel magic through his brand. When Bron wears armor, he ensures that his brand is mostly visible as a mark of pride for his deity. His life is in debt to the service of Kelemvor, whose mercy saved him from death. Bron seeks to put wandering spirits to rest, destroy undead, and ease the suffering of the dying. As a trained cleric, Bron still enjoys adventuring, though now he aims to spread the will of Kelemvor while doing so.