Why Should I Care - mccright/FCCSCybersecurityInput GitHub Wiki

Why Should I Care?

A Brief History of Cybercrime.

A Brief History of Cybercrime 1962 - 2023.

Risks in Context:

Cybersecurity Risk In Context:
InfoSec Risk In Context

Risk Continuum Raw:
Risk Continuum Raw

Risk Continuum Example:
Risk Continuum Example

FBI Releases IC3 2019 Internet Crime Report

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has released the 2019 Internet Crime Report, which includes statistics based on data reported by the public through the IC3 website. The top three crimes types reported by victims in 2019 were phishing/vishing/smishing/pharming, non-payment/non-delivery, and extortion. FBI urges users to continue reporting complaints at www.ic3.gov to help law enforcement better combat cybercrime.

In 2019, IC3 received a total of 467,361 complaints with reported losses exceeding $3.5 billion. The most prevalent crime types reported were Phishing/Vishing/Smishing/Pharming, Non-Payment/Non-Delivery, Extortion, and Personal Data Breach. The top three crime types with the highest reported losses were business email compromise (BEC), Confidence/Romance Fraud, and Spoofing.

Year Complaints Losses
2015 288,012 $1.1 Billion*
2016 298,728 $1.5 Billion*
2017 301,580 $1.4 Billion*
2018 351,937 $2.7 Billion*
2019 467,361 $3.5 Billion*
2020 791,790 $4.2 Billion*
2021 847,376 $6.9 Billion*
2022 800,944 $10.3 Billion*
2023 $____ Billion*

For an update on BEC, see "The Confidence Game Shifting Tactics Fuel Surge in Business Email Compromise" (May 2023) from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence teams:

Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit has observed a 38 percent increase in Cybercrime-as-a-Service targeting business email between 2019 and 2022.

See their interesting write-up on attackers’ theft of credentials using of platforms like BulletProftLink, phishing-as-a-service like Evil Proxy, Naked Pages, and Caffeine to deploy industrial-scale phishing campaigns.

2020 Numbers

Ongoing Lists of Breaches of "Unsecured Protected Health Information"

Your health care data is increasingly successfully targeted by cyber-criminals.

LEARNER Resources:

Excellent historical piece that helps provide some context for thinking about what is happening in the cybersecurity realm today.
"The Worm That Nearly Ate the Internet." https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/29/opinion/sunday/conficker-worm-ukraine.html By Mark Bowden, June 29, 2019

Mitre Att&ck threat list: https://mitre-attack.github.io/attack-navigator/enterprise/
Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC™) Taxonomy http://capec.mitre.org/data/