What Do You Have To Protect - mccright/FCCSCybersecurityInput GitHub Wiki

What Do You Have To Protect?

At a personal level - Start with your identity:

Check if you have an account that has been compromised in a data breach

Or at a macro level -- Almost everything...

Every year the World Economic Forum sponsors research leading to their annual "Global Risks Report."
Every year they report that ineffective cybersecurity results in a range of material economic, geopolitical, environmental, societal, and technological risks.

  • In 2019 the report argued that cyber attacks leading to theft of data or money, disruption of operations and infrastructure, are high impact, high likelihood global risks. The research participants considered these short term issues...
  • With rising cyber dependency in the face of attacks against machine learning (ML) or artificial intelligence (AI) becoming more sophisticated and prevalent, there is growing potential for amplifying existing risks or create new ones, particularly for the Internet of Things (IoT) and media echo chambers & fake news. The research participants considered these current and long term issues...
  • Finally, they wrote that "The vulnerability of critical technological infrastructure is a growing national security concern."
    Review and discuss the following: "The Global Risks Report 2019 - 14th Edition" http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Global_Risks_Report_2019.pdf pages 3, 4, 13, 18, 22-23, 88-89, 97, 103-105.

Sometimes it is easier to just think about the money at risk

The WEF Center for Cybersecurity reported in 2018 that "Economic loss due to cybercrime is predicted to reach $3 trillion by 2020, and 74% of the world’s businesses can expect to be hacked in the coming year." https://www.weforum.org/centre-for-cybersecurity/ A 2022 update noted that "Illicit proceeds from criminal activity are estimated to account for 2-5% of global GDP (around $2 trillion USD)" -- a material financial loss to the rest of us.

For many of us in a business context, the reasons are easier to understand:

  • Our customers.
  • Our shareholders/owners.
  • Our regulatory compliance.
  • Our ability to borrow money at a reasonable rate.
  • And in some contexts, our property, our health or even our life.