MCCHAT - mccalv/mcchat GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the mcchat wiki. The aim of the project is to create the a multi room chat based on Berkley Socket API. Functionalities provided by the server are:

  • concurrent access of multiple clients
  • maintaining and showing the clients list
  • creating or joining a room
  • changing host nickname
  • sending a private message to a specific user

Client basic usage:

  • Write to the console to send a message to the current client room
  • /room "[ROOMNAME]" to change the current room
  • /nickname "[NICKNAME]" to change nickname
  • /[NICKNAME] "[MESSAGE]" to send a private message to the nickname specified
  • /list "ALL" to get all participants nickname and rooms
  • /list "[ROOMNAME]" to see all client in the relative rom
  • /help to get the available commands

How to compile

make clean

How to start the server

./chat_server [portNumber]

How to start the client

./chat_client [serverIp] [serverPort]
A demonstration video is available at the url:


  • Linux, Unix, Mac
  • gcc compiler version 4.1+