Notes - mcandre/haskellSDL2Examples GitHub Wiki

Notes on Haskell SDL 2 Examples

I'm glad to see a lot of good habits in the code:

  • Organized with the Cabal build system, with src/ and assets/ directories.
  • Self-contained example code snippets
  • Qualified imports
  • Explicit type signatures
  • Code sectioned into configuration, application portions
  • Error handling in case of SDL errors
  • Clear separation of responsibility into different functions (main, updateState, etc.)

Overall, solid Haskell style. Any complaints I might have with the code are quite minor.

  • Some trailing whitespace in drawState
  • LICENSE could be written as a .md Markdown file like
  • We can provide more context for Haskell newbies by documenting how to install adjacent, but not all, dependencies.
  • libpng16-16.dll could be moved out of version control if we include a link to it in the readme dependencies
  • Calculating the current frame is complicated enough that it could be spun off into a separate function
  • The monad transformer function ~>> is unused, maybe remove it?
  • The monad transormers ~>>, ~>~, and into could be commented with English-pronounceable names, especially for Haskellers who haven't mastered monads.
  • Cabal reports a missing dependency, mtl, when trying to build the lessons.
  • Cabal 1.16 silently fails to build the lesson executables, and doesn't feature a run task.

polarina/sdl2 and ods94065/sdl2-image are nice alternatives to official Hackage sdl2, sdl2-image. I might reach out to the authors and suggest a minor name change so that these can be published on Hackage alongside the other sdl2, sdl2-image.

What would lesson 16 look like? What if we combined the walking animation in lesson 14 with keyboard interaction in 4 to create a working avatar?