Upgrade Notes - mbulat/plutus GitHub Wiki
Upgrading from < 0.13.0
A date field was added to Plutus::Entry. You can generate a migration that will add the field to the Entries table via:
rails g plutus:add_date_upgrade
And then migrate your tables:
rake db:migrate
By default new entries will have the current date applied upon saving, or a custom date can be specified.
To support future reporting and features, it's suggested that the date field for old entries be copied over from the created_at field. The following code should do that:
Plutus::Entry.update_all('date = created_at')
Upgrading from < 0.9
Versions of Plutus prior to 0.9 used a "Transaction" class to keep track of entries. Rails 4.1 introduced a change that raises an error with Plutus due to an ActiveRecord method conflict with "transaction". Therefore the Transaction class has been renamed "Entry". To generate a migration which will update your database run the following:
rails g plutus:upgrade_plutus
And then migrate your tables:
rake db:migrate