Vive Pro Eye - mbucchia/Quad-Views-Foveated GitHub Wiki

In addition to downloading and installing the Quad-Views-Foveated program on your PC, you must complete all of the steps below in order to use eye tracking with your Vive Pro Eye!

  • Download and install the Vive Console for SteamVR.

  • Start up the SRanipal runtime. It can be found in the location where you installed the Vive Console for SteamVR (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\VIVEDriver) under the App\SRanipal subfolder and is called sr_runtime.exe.

  • Ensure that SteamVR is set as your active OpenXR runtime. In the 'SteamVR Settings', ensure that 'Advanced Settings' is set to 'Show', then under the 'Developer' tab, click on 'Set SteamVR as OpenXR runtime'. The option may be greyed out/not visible if you are already using SteamVR as your OpenXR runtime.


  • Ensure that the Vive OpenXR Facial Tracking API layer is enabled. In the 'SteamVR Settings', go to the 'OpenXR' tab, then click 'Manage OpenXR API Layers'. Find the 'Vive OpenXR Facial Tracking' entry, and make sure it is set to 'On'.

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  • Ensure that your eye tracker is calibrated.

    • First head to the 'SteamVR Settings', under 'Startup / Shutdown', click 'Choose Startup Overlay Apps', then make sure that 'Vive Pro Eye Calibration Dashboard' is set to 'On'.

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    • Open the SteamVR dashboard, click the 'Vive Pro Eye' menu, toggle 'Use Eye Tracking' on, then follow the instructions to perform the calibration.
