mvp list - mboo1/Quora-Proj GitHub Wiki

MVP List

Quora, a Quora clone, is a social media application that allows users to create questions and receive answers from other users.

1. Hosting on Heroku (01/06/2019)

2. New account creation, login, and guest/demo login (01/07/2019, 2 days)

  • Users can sign up, sign in, log out
  • Users can use a demo login to try the site
  • Users can't use features without logging in

3. Questions (01/09/2019, 2 days)

  • Logged in users can view, create, and edit questions

4. Answers (01/13/2019, 2 days)

  • Logged in users can view answers to questions and create and edit their own answers.

5. Topics (01/14/2019, 1 day)

  • Logged in users can add topics to their questions.

6. Search (01/16/2019, 2 days)

  • Logged in users can search questions by question title.
  • Logged in users can search questions by topic.

7. Production README (01/17/2019, 0.5 days)