Virtual box and Ubuntu Installation Procedure - mbits-mirafra/verilator GitHub Wiki

Steps to be followed

1.Click on the link to download virtual box

2.Click on the windows Host to download the package and install it

3.Once virtal box is installed, click on the link to download Ubuntu

4.Open virtual box and click New to add Ubuntu

5.add the details present in below snapshot and click next

  1. modify base memory and processor core based on the requirement and tap on next
  1. select virtual hard disk memeory and click on next
  1. review summary and tap on finish
  1. Now select Ubuntu and click on settings
  1. Tap on general -> advanced and change shared clipboard and drag'n drop to Birirectional from disabled, as per below snapshop
  1. Tap on storage -> empty -> optical drive . add ubuntu iso file which is already downloaded and tap on ok
  1. now click on try or install Ubuntu