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- Navigate to MULTIPLY BTC
- Open DevTools in your browser (F12-Chrome)
- Copy and paste everything in the file DQ-Trevel.js
setting up Trevel for live betting
In Trevel there are many settings you can modify but we will start with the simplest that follow after 4 above
Basic Settings
//type all this in console press enter after every line
env.maxBet=0.1;// set your maximum bet in BTC
env.minBet=0.00000002;//set your minimum bet in BTC cannot be less than 0.00000001
env.showEvery=100;//Log betting info to console after
env.seedEvery=100;//change seed after n bets
env.useMartingale=true;// martingale?
env.martingaleMultiplier=2;//multiplier used to increase balance on loose
env.stop=false;//start betting
and you are done, watch the BTC pile up!!