Working Agreements - mbimbij/trivia GitHub Wiki
cf 1e items du Team Manifesto
- We work as one team towards a common goal and clear scope
- We make sure everyone's voice is heard, listened to
- We show all team members equal respect
- We work as a team to have common expectations for technical delivery that are documented in a Team Manifesto.
- We make sure to spread our expertise and skills in the team, so no single person is relied on for one skill
- All times below are listed in CET
- Utilisation du chat / teams / slack / discord
- Communication d'infos style design, archi, etc.
- Design Reviews
- Utilisation des mails
- Utilisation du wiki
- Autres règles de documentation
# Work-Life Balance TBD
Quality vs Quantity
- We live by the DoR and Dod
- We follow the playbook and practices
- If overwhelmed and can't get help immediately on design, etc., don't hesitate to postpone. We CAN manage technical debt.
Scrum Rythm & Ceremonies
Process Lead
Backlog Management
Code Management