DP #23. Minimum Cost Path. - mbhushan/dynpro GitHub Wiki

(23). Minimum Cost Path.

Given a 2 dimensional matrix, find minimum cost path to reach bottom right 
from top left provided you can only from down and right.
T[0][0] = M[0][0]
First Row:
T[0][i] = T[0][i-1] + M[0][i]
First Col:
T[i][0] = T[i-1][0] + M[i][0]
For (int i=1; i<row; i++) {
	For (int j=1; j<col; j++) {
	T[i][j] = M[i][j] + Math.min(T[i-1][j], T[i][j-1], T[i-1][j-1])
input -> 1 2 3
4 8 2
1 5 3
T [][] -> 1 3 6
5 9 5
6 10 8 (ans)

Minimum Cost Path

  • Time Complexity: O(n^2)
  • Space Complexity: O(n^2)