Flat file database structure - mbainrot/radio_operator_assistant GitHub Wiki

This is some doco explaining how the file structure works

roa = radio operator assistant installation folder

roa/ . .. data/ roa.pl <--- Main program

roa/data/ . .. not_sent/ in_progress/ completed/

Each message is recorded in XML format. Regardless of type all messages will have the following fields

  • operator_name - String
  • operator_callsign - String - NB: This is the operators LEGAL callsign as assigned by their authority
  • operator_op_callsign - String - NB: This is the operator's operational callsign, commonly used in rallies/training events to reduce clutter on the net
  • date_created - DateTime
  • date_modified - DateTime
  • message_type - String
  • message_status - String