User Manual#User Manual - mazmaz2k/Minimal-balanced-node-separator GitHub Wiki
This product will find minimal model of SAT problem in N-CNF form
About The Product:
This is an java project,in this project we implement the algorithm that finds an exponential time solution at the component size in the largest binding, for which the binding component is the size of the graph and therefore the running time will be significantly larger i.e. the exponential size of the large binding component.
How To Install:
You can install the alpha release or the final release by your choose
Download the final release application - just fork this project.
Install the application on the device by tapping on it and accept with all the require terms.
Run the application on Eclipse IDE.
How To Use:
You will need txt file within set of clauses, each variable is a number("0" cant be a variable) , separate each rule with "0" number.In the beginning you will need to write(in the txt file) how many rules(clauses) there is.
Run the application .
A GUI screen will open.
We have to load the txt file press "Read file".
Press "find minimal module".
In the GUI screen you will see if there is minimal module it will find it, if not it will write that can find.
Bug Report:
For report any bugs issue or any other problem with project,
Please contact us at email: [email protected] or by opening an issue at github.
To View The Bugs History click here.