Iteration 4 Final Review - mazmaz2k/Minimal-balanced-node-separator GitHub Wiki

Iteration 4 Final Review

In this iteration, we will have working software, after syncing the join projects, preforming memory tests, preferment tests and and calculate the running time which will test the theory.

Iteration goals:

  • Review the results of the various tests of the software.
  • Final review of different tests that wasn't in previews millstone.
  • Improve running time of different parts of the Algorithm.
  • perfect the sync between the two projects.
  • Submit the project to JCE collage as final project.

Issue Management:

link to issues



Technologies acquired

Retrospective - goals and results


  • Omri - Working on Minimal Balanced Node separator in Graph project
  • Adi - Working on Modular-Construction-of-Minimal-Models project

Iteration Conclusion:

Our team works very well together, we have via meetings on skype an also have a Whatsapp group and Gitter group , where all the members always stay connected and updated. We also work closely with our mentors.